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Author Guidelines

Requirements for submissions

The articles submitted for its possible publication in región y sociedad must include the following information complete and in its final version via Open Journal System (OJS). Submissions via other platforms will not be accepted.

  1. Registration data: available in this journal’s OJS interface, in which specific information about the article and the author(s) is asked.
  2. Letter of originality and nonduplicity, this letter also has to be filled in with the author’s data and in case of two or more authors, the data of all the authors must be included. The corresponding author must be identified.
  3. Attach the complete content of the article and additional files in their final version. No changes will be accepted once the process begins.

If the article is approved, the authors will have to send:

  1. Letter of transfer of property rights, it must be filled in and signed with the data of the author(s). In the case of two or more authors, the data of all the authors must be included, and the corresponding author must be identified.

Requirements for the submission of manuscripts and additional material

The following criteria must be observed:

  1. Deliver the manuscript in electronic files for word processor, with no passwords (PDF format is not suitable for the editorial process).
  2. Deliver photographs and images in electronic files in JPG format (or compatible) with at least a 300 dpi resolution. It is indispensable to send graphs, figures or tables in separate spreadsheet files. The images of graphs and tables are not suitable for the editorial process.
  3. Hold the reproduction rights for graphic materials, images, photographs, and artistic works, either of the authors’ or third parties’.

Once these requirements are met, the submitted text will proceed to Editorial Review.


Guidelines for authors

(Modified on October 9th 2017, it will reflect in the issues published in 2019).

  1. Nature of the works: contributions received for their possible publication must be original results of high-level academic work. Only documents written from a regional standpoint, emphasizing the analysis on Mexico and Latin America, on development, environment, politics, gender and health from disciplinary or multidisciplinary approaches akin to social sciences will be accepted, providing they explicitly and thoroughly present the theoretical-methodological strategies that were resorted in the work and emphasize their findings.
  2. Extension and format: the articles must be written in word processor, with an extension between 8,000 and 10,000 words, letter size, with 2.54-centimeter margins, Times New Roman, 12 point, double spacing, without space between paragraphs. Pages must be numbered from the first to the last in the bottom right margin. The total extension includes the text, bibliography, tables, graphs, images and all additional material. 
  3. Exclusivity: works submitted to región y sociedad shall be unpublished and their authors undertake not to simultaneously send it to other publications; hence, it is necessary to attach this document: Letter of originality and nonduplicity.
  4. Co-authorship: according to the editorial policy and regarding collective authorship, four authors at most will be accepted. No change in the order in which the authors were presented at the time of submission will be accepted and it will be neither possible to omit nor add an author not mentioned from the start, so it is necessary to define such information in the registration data.
  5. Frequency of publication: when an author has published in región y sociedad, they shall wait for three issues to publish again.
  6. Publication languages: texts in Spanish are accepted. To increase the dissemination of the texts, an English translation is suggested, but its cost will be afforded by the authors.
  7. Authors’ ID: it is indispensable that each and every author provide their ORCID normalized identifying number. For further information visit:
  8. Ascription institution: it is indispensable to mention all of the authors’ ascription institution and country, avoiding the use of acronyms or initials. The translation of the institutions’ names is not accepted.
  9. Anonymity in the authors’ identity: the articles shall not include information that reveals their identity in the text or footnotes, this in view of ensuring an anonymous review by the academic peers who will perform the assessment. If it is necessary, such information might be added once the peer-review process concludes.
  10. Structure of the articles: the articles will include: an introduction that clearly defines the background of the work, the method or analysis strategy resorted to, development, results, conclusions and bibliography. If deemed necessary, the authors can present sections duly hierarchized and differenced only by the sort of typography (without using Roman or Arabic numerals).
  11. Title: the title of the article, 15 words at most, shall be in Spanish and English and must clearly, concisely and descriptively express the content.
  12. Abstract: an abstract has to be supplied in Spanish and in English, 150 words at most, it must describe the theme, purpose and main results of the work. It is recommended that it addresses the following: the question the text responds to, framework or theoretical perspective taken, methodology and main findings.
  13. Keywords: a list of 3 to 5 words in Spanish and English must be provided to allow identifying the thematic sphere approached in the article.
  14. Use of initials and acronyms: for the use of acronyms and initials in the text, the first time they are mentioned, it is recommended to write the full name and the abbreviation in parentheses; example: Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), and then only Pemex.
  15. Annexes and appendixes: the articles will not include annexes or appendixes.
  16. Notes: notes shall be footnotes, be numbered and be the strictly necessary. These are reserved for expansions of the text or clarifications of the author(s), they will not be for indicating bibliography with Latin locutions.
  17. Tables and figures: they will be included at the end of the article with a precise indication for their inclusion in the place they are mentioned in the text. For instance: Table 1 here. Table numbering will be consecutive and in ascending order and with Arabic numerals. In like manner, the title will be at the upper part and the full source as a footer. The author(s) will have the obligation to check that the source of all tables and figures is indicated in the final bibliography.
  18. Graphic elements: all the graphic elements, schemas, maps, etc., will be called Figures and will be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals. The title will be at the upper part and the full source as a footer in each figure. The author(s) will be responsible for checking that all sources of the figures are indicated in the final bibliography. In addition to be included in the text, every graphic element will be delivered in independent files in JPG (or compatible) format, with a minimal resolution of 300 dpi. If graphs are produced in Microsoft Excel, the source files have to be included.
  19. Additional information: the articles will not include epigraphs or dedications.
  20. Bibliographic quotations: they must be included in the text with the author’s last name, year and page separate by commas in parentheses. Example (Aguirre-Rodríguez and Camargo-González, 2017, p 36). Various sorts of quotations can be included:
  • Direct quotations under 40 words: when fewer than 40 words are textually transcribed, the quotation is written between quotation marks and at the end in parentheses the name of the author(s), year and page are mentioned. Example:

 “Se llegó a considerar que de 2008 a 2012 cerca de 40 mil niños quedaron huérfanos en México.” (Aguirre-Rodríguez and Camargo-González, 2017, p 36).

  • Direct quotations over 40 words: when more than 40 words are textually transcribed, the quotation is written in a separate paragraph, as shown in the example:

In words by Aguirre-Rodríguez and Camargo-González (2017): 

[…] uno de los temas pendientes en la agenda pública es el de los niños que perdieron a sus padres en el marco de la lucha contra la delincuencia organizada. Se llegó a considerar que de 2008 a 2012 cerca de 40 mil niños quedaron huérfanos en México. Según estimaciones de la Fiscalía General del Estado de Chihuahua, cada uno de los cerca de 14 mil asesinados en dicho periodo dejó entre dos y tres hijos, lo que arrojó entre 26 mil y 24 mil niños en situación de orfandad en la entidad. (pp 36 and 37).

  • Indirect quotations or paraphrases: when ideas taken from other sources are interpreted or commented, or else when the same content is expressed with a different syntactic structure. In this case, the last name of the author, the year and reference for the ideas have to be indicated. Example:

The social policy for childhood designed in contexts of violence becomes increasingly important, since according to data provided by Aguirre-Rodríguez and Camargo-González (2017) around 40 thousand children have become orphans in Mexico by causes related to violence between 2008 and 2012.


  1. Bibliographic references: each and every source cited in the text has to be indicated at the end of the article (including notes, sources of tables and figures). The authors have to carefully check there are no omissions or inconsistencies between the cited works and the bibliography. Only the works cited in the article and footnotes will be included in the list of references. The bibliography must be standardized following APA style (sixth edition in English) in alphabetical order by the authors’ last names.  


If there are two or more works by the same author(s), these have to be chronologically listed beginning by the earliest. Works by the same author(s) and publication year will be added: a, b, c… etc. For example:

Aguirre-Rodríguez, L. M. (2017a) 

Aguirre-Rodríguez, L. M. (2017b)


Journal article with DOI:

Aguirre-Rodríguez, L. M. and Camargo-González, I. (2017). Política social para la infancia en escenarios de violencia: el caso del FANVI en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, 2011-2014. región y sociedad, 29(69), 31-68. doi: 10.22198/rys.2017.69.a298


Online journal article:

Aguirre-Rodríguez, L. M. and Camargo-González, I. (2017). Política social para la infancia en escenarios de violencia: el caso del FANVI en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, 2011-2014. región y sociedad, 29(69), 31-68. Retrieved from



Trejo Contreras, Z., Padilla  Ramos, R., Enríquez Licón, D. E. and Donjuan Espinoza, E. (2017). La institución significada: los pueblos indígenas en la Sonora colonial y republicana. Hermosillo: El Colegio de Sonora.


Book chapter:

Prieto Sánchez, G. (2017). Audi y las instituciones de educación superior en Puebla. In A. Bracamonte Sierra (coordinator), Cambio tecnológico en la industria automotriz de México. Exploración de la agenda desde una perspectiva regional (pp. 221-246). Hermosillo: El Colegio de Sonora – Consejo Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología.



Robles Córdova, K. T. (2017). Prácticas de cuidado y auto-cuidado de la salud en mujeres que participaron en Meta-Salud, una intervención comunitaria para la prevención primaria de las enfermedades crónicas en Hermosillo, Sonora, 2011-2012 (Master degree thesis). Retrieved from


Newspaper article, with author:

Aviña, A. (December 12th, 2016). Nacen bebés con defectos en zonas mineras y agrícolas. Expreso, pp 1A and 5A.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • All the of the authors’ ID ORCID are mentioned.
  • The ascription institution with no initials and the country of each author are expressly stated.
  • The submission has neither been previously published nor submitted to other journal.
  • The article is a product of scientific research.
  • Between 3 and 5 keywords are included —in Spanish, English or Portuguese— that allow identifying the thematic sphere approached by the article (methodology, results and discussion).
  • The article includes and introduction, method or analysis strategy, development, results, conclusions and bibliography.
  • The writing, coherence, clarity and spelling were cared for and revised.
  • The ethical aspects of social research were observed.
  • The text file is in word processor, figures in JPG and graphs in spreadsheet.
  • The article extension is between 8,000 and 10,000 words, letter size with 2.54-cm margins, Times New Roman, 12 points, double spacing, without space between paragraphs.
  • All the tables and figures are indicated at the right places in the text and include their sources.
  • Only the bibliography cited in the text is included.
  • DOI addresses are provided for the references.
  • The instructions included in Ensuring an anonymous review are followed (Please erase names and any reference to the author(s) in the file).
  • The letter of originality and nonduplicity (available here) in PDF format, signed by all the authors is attached.
  • The abstract, 150 words, in Spanish, English, addresses: objective, methodology, results, limitations, value, conclusions.


Its goal is to publish original and relevant research articles with a regional approach, emphasizing the analysis on Mexico and Latin America in topics such as development, environment, politics, gender and health from disciplinary or multidisciplinary approaches akin to social sciences and applying quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses sent to this journal will only be used for the purposes specified in it and will not be shared with third parties or used otherwise.